The Best Way to Predict the Future?

Create it.

Stop wondering what lies ahead and start designing it instead.

Did you know that hypnosis is one of the most powerful methods to harness the Law of Attraction?


This ✨good vibe✨ inducing, free hypnosis audio combines the Law of Attraction with the power of hypnotic daydreams to bypass all those pesky limiting beliefs and help you more easily manifest your dreams into reality.

New to hypnosis? Think of it as a guided meditation with purpose - as natural as daydreaming!

Put on your headphones, get comfortable, and rise up into the ✨high vibration frequency✨ where manifesting magic begins...

Ready to become a Daydream Believer?

Sign up below for instant access to your free hypnotic daydream session.

Want to join me in something really cool, very magical & also completely free?

The Daydream Believer hypnoaudio is just the beginning… Check the box when you sign up & you'll be welcomed into our Moon Magic Circle where we combine hypnotic spells with each lunar cycle to help supercharge our dreams into reality. 

Join our collective as we hypnotically harness the potent energy of each New and Full Moon to transform blocks, set intentions and manifest into our lives what our soul truly needs.

The simple and sustainable practice of our Moon Magic Circle brings together seekers from around the world, all working with the same lunar energies at the same time—amplifying everyone's manifestation potential as we make our lives better together.

Sounds good, tell me more!

Step into our circle! You'll instantly receive the Daydream Believer hypnoaudio to get started right away and be signed up to receive bimonthly emails with each Full and New Moon:

🌕 Full Moon Hypnotic Spells — Powerful yet gentle guided sessions for releasing what no longer serves you and expressing gratitude for what's manifesting in your life, customized to the unique astrological sign and energy of each month's full moon.

🌑 New Moon Hypnotic Spells — Specially crafted hypnotic experiences for setting clear intentions and future pacing your goals as already achieved, aligned with the specific astrological sign and cosmic energies of each new moon.

🌈 The Complete Moon Magic Manifesting Cycle — Use the Daydream Believer hypnoaudio between moon phases to maintain high vibrational energy—the real secret to successful manifesting.

How Manifesting with the Moon Works

  • 🌑 New Moon — Set fresh intentions with that month's unique New Moon Hypnotic Spell, tailored to the astrological sign the moon is in

  • 🌒 Waxing Moon — Use your Daydream Believer audio to reinforce good feelings about your intentions. It’s all about the feelings!

  • 🌕 Full Moon — Release blocks and express gratitude with the Full Moon Hypnotic Spell, designed specifically for that moon's astrological energy

  • 🌘 Waning Moon — Continue using Daydream Believer to maintain positive energy as the cycle completes

The Magic of Collective Energy with Individual Freedom

What makes our Moon Magic Circle special is that while you practice in the privacy of your own space in your own time (perfect for introverts!), you're energetically connected to the collective performing the same ritual within the same 3-day window. This collective focus dramatically amplifies the power of your personal intentions. Together, we're making our lives better with each moon cycle.

Just want the free hypnoaudio? Simply enter your email below for instant access to your complimentary Daydream Believer audio.

Want to join our Moon Magic Circle? Check the box to get a Welcome email followed by just two emails each month with your moon-aligned hypnotic spells in time for each New & Full Moon. I respect your inbox! 🌝

Hello, Bonjour, Bienvenue!

I'm Sarah Lassez, Certified Hypnotherapist and Author of Psychic Junkie. (INFP, HSP, ♈︎ Aries Sun, ♋︎ Cancer Moon, animal lover & California Mountain Girl with her 🧡 in Paris)

For years, I obsessively searched for answers from psychic after psychic. After thousands of readings over decades, the evidence was clear: 97% of those future predictions never came true.

Many moons later, I finally found what I'd been searching for—a psychic who was truly accurate, had my highest good at heart, and connected me to the divine guidance I needed.

That psychic? It was me. My journey down the psychic rabbit hole wasn't in vain, I discovered something valuable! The "best psychic near me" wasn't a stranger with a crystal ball or tarot cards— as Edgar Cayce, the most documented psychic of all time, said: "You are your own best psychic." I am my own best psychic.

I learned this truth the hard way so you don't have to. Now I help others bypass the psychic middleman and connect directly to their Higher Self and Celestial Support Team—where the most honest, accurate guidance has been waiting all along.

Hypnosis is simply the key that unlocks your Superconscious—the doorway to all your intuitive and manifesting Superpowers. We're all born with this gift; I'm just here to help you remember it.

Imagination is everything.
It is the preview of life's coming attractions.
-Albert Einstein