Addicted to reading your own Tarot Cards?
Are You Addicted to Tarot Card Readings?
I'm not talking about being addicted to tarot card readers—that's another story entirely. (See The Best Psychic Near You is Closer Than You Think)
I'm talking about being addicted to reading tarot cards for yourself. I’m talking about repeatedly asking your tarot cards the same questions over and over, spiraling deeper into anxiety and expectation with every throw of the cards.
I’m talking about asking the cards repeatedly how your person of interest feels about you and believing the cards over what is actually manifesting in your current reality.
When I was addicted to my tarot cards, I was all in. I had over a dozen decks. At my worst, my hands ached due to hours of obsessively reshuffling the cards hoping for a different outcome.
At times the cards felt like my only friends; at times they felt like my personal hell.
So anyway, I was most likely way worse than you, if that makes you feel any better.
When people ask me how I overcame my own addiction, I wish I had a good answer. There were no resources out there for me. No one was talking about this. No one understood.
Now I see that I was turning to the cards to soothe my anxiety, but it became a vicious cycle that not only made my anxiety worse but led to obsessive behavior and a full-blown nervous breakdown.
After years of learning my lesson the hard way, I finally realized I wasn't going to find what I was looking for in a deck of tarot cards, and I got rid of them. (Truthfully, a friend made me cut them all up and watched me as I wept. I don’t recommend this unless absolutely necessary!)
As there was no support available out there for people like me, I created the first support group for other psychic and tarot addicts and shared my story with the world in my memoir "Psychic Junkie.”
If you recognize yourself in my story - if the readings are making you spiral, if you're losing sleep to do readings at all hours, or trusting the cards more than your own reality - know that there's help available. While I had to figure this out the hard way on my own, you don't have to. That's exactly why I developed my specialized hypnotherapy protocol for psychic and tarot addiction, Psychic Junkie Rx.
But whether you're ready for professional support or wanting to start with self-help strategies, here are some practical tips:
3 Tips for Tarot Card Addiction Recovery
1. Transform Your Relationship with the Cards
You may want to consider getting rid of the cards.
I'm going to guess, you'd rather eat your Third Eye than ever give them up!
Or you'll give up your tarot cards only to get hooked on YouTube or TikTok tarot readers or free Tarot apps.
I get it.
So how about transforming your relationship with the cards and changing the way you use them?
Instead of using the cards as a predictive tool, use them as a Spiritual Counselor—your Spiritual Bestie who knows what’s best for you.
Let the cards be a communication tool to chat with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides. Here’s how it works:
Instead of asking "What's going to happen?" ask:
"What do I need to know, at this time, regarding this situation?"
See the difference? Instead of giving away your power, as if you’re a passive bystander to what happens to you, you’re empowering yourself by taking charge!
Rather than asking if your dream is going to come true, ask:
"What do I need to do to make that dream my reality (or something even better, beyond my wildest dreams)?"
If the messages of the cards aren’t clear at first, rather than asking again, just sit with it.
Meditate on it. It’ll become clear.
Then heed the advice given!
Do NOT ask the same question again UNLESS something significant has changed or a significant period of time has passed.
Asking the same questions repeatedly simply dilutes the messages, muddies the water and it will take you even longer to get a clear answer.
2. Use the Tarot Cards for Manifesting Spells
Whether you call it manifesting or casting a spell, use the Tarot cards as a focal point for your ritual.
Choose a card that really spoke to you from your reading or one that represents what you want to feel or manifest.
Get a candle or some sage—use whatever you have on hand—or go all out and visit a spiritual store to get yourself a dressed spell candle. I like to make my own using crystals, dried flower petals, herbs, spices, etc.
Write out everything you want in detail (I'd suggest focusing on one subject at a time) on a piece of paper or index card.
Then put it underneath the Tarot card that represents your desire. You can make yourself a little altar.
Light your intention candle and spend several minutes daydreaming about whatever it is you're wishing for as if it’s your current reality. Try it on for size, feel what it would feel like to live with your dream come true. Take your time, this is the most important part. Make sure it feels good. If it doesn’t, you may want to revisit what you’re asking for or work on releasing some limiting beliefs first.
Let the candle burn as long as you're in the same room (fire safety is paramount!). When you're ready, blow it out, releasing your intentions into the Universe.
Repeat this ritual over how ever many days it takes, until the candle has fully burned out.
Then let it go! Let it do its thing. You don't want to put pressure and choke the life out of your wishes with longing and wanting. You need to give things time and space to breathe, develop, and flourish. Trust!
Also be open to manifesting something entirely different and much more right for you! That’s why I love to add “or something even better, beyond my wildest dreams” at the end of every intention I put out into the Universe.
3. Oracle Cards are your friends!
Switch to Oracle Cards! Oracle cards can be an amazing tool in your spiritual growth. They're like your Fairy Auntie who only wants the best for you and will tell you straight, even if it hurts.
One of my favorites is The Enchanted Map by Colette Baron-Reid. I call them my Bitch-slap cards. They don't mess around!
If you want to get a little more witchy, one of my besties, Fiona Horne, created a really cool Oracle deck called Magick of You. Each card comes with its own spell or ritual to perform!
I hope that helps! Please feel free to reach out by commenting below to share your thoughts or ask questions—I'd love to hear from you.
And remember - at the heart of tarot addiction often lies anxiety about the future and a deep desire for certainty. By learning to manage that underlying anxiety through tools like meditation, self-hypnosis and hypnotherapy, you can begin to trust in yourself, your own intuition and put your energy towards creating your future rather than trying to predict it.
Click here for more information on hypnotherapy for tarot addiction- Psychic Junkie Rx™
Wishing you all the best, beyond your wildest dreams.
🧡 Sarah
I'm Sarah Lassez, Certified Hypnotherapist and Author of Psychic Junkie. (INFP, HSP, ♈︎ Aries Sun, ♋︎ Cancer Moon, animal lover & California Mountain Girl with her 🧡 in Paris)
For years, I obsessively searched for answers from psychic after psychic. After thousands of readings over decades, the evidence was clear: 97% of those future predictions never came true.
Many moons later, I finally found what I'd been searching for—a psychic who was truly accurate, had my highest good at heart, and connected me to the divine guidance I needed.
That psychic? It was me. My journey down the psychic rabbit hole wasn't in vain, I discovered something valuable! The "best psychic near me" wasn't a stranger with a crystal ball or tarot cards— as Edgar Cayce, the most documented psychic of all time, said: "You are your own best psychic." I am my own best psychic.
I learned this truth the hard way so you don't have to. Now I help others bypass the psychic middleman and connect directly to their Higher Self and Celestial Support Team—where the most honest, accurate guidance has been waiting all along.
Hypnosis is simply the key that unlocks your Superconscious—the doorway to all your intuitive and manifesting Superpowers. We're all born with this gift; I'm just here to help you remember it.