11 Signs You're Addicted to Psychic Readings (From a Recovered Psychic Junkie)
First of all, there is no judgement here.
As the author of Psychic Junkie- a memoir of my raging addiction to psychics- I know a thing or two about psychic addiction.
You are not alone.
It may feel as though you’re alone, as most people are too embarrassed to admit they have a problem, but the Psychic Industry is a billion dollar money making machine worldwide.
You are definitely not alone.
11 signs you may be a Psychic Junkie:
Do you find yourself spending a lot of time reading forums and reviews to find the ‘holy grail’ of psychic readers?
Are you getting psychic readings in an attempt at self-soothing, but finding yourself even more anxious instead?
Do you find yourself checking multiple psychic sources looking for ‘confirmation’ that a reading is correct?
Are you relying on psychics to find out how your love interest feels?
Do you find yourself trusting psychics over your own intuition?
Has anyone ever suggested that you are too reliant on psychics?
Does the thought of giving up psychic readings freak you out?
Have you made important decisions or taken actions based on what a psychic predicted or advised?
Has getting psychic readings begun to hurt or impact you financially?
Are you waiting and hoping for future psychic predictions to come true even though the signs around you seem to be pointing towards a different outcome?
Are you waiting on an ex to return based on psychic predictions?
If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you may be addicted to psychics.
So, now what?
Here are some questions to ask yourself the next time you have an urge for psychic reading:
(Tip- You may want to journal out the answers and bookmark this page or write these down for future use)
Why do I really want to get a psychic reading?
What has happened that made me want to get a psychic reading?
What do I need to hear and why?
How will this psychic reading bring me closer to what I want?
What can I do right now to make myself feel better other than getting a psychic reading?
Are there any steps I can take today towards creating the future I want rather than trying to predict it?
Pray for clarity and ask for the truth be revealed. Then, let it go.
“I Trust I will receive guidance in the time and manner that is in my Highest and Greatest Good.”
The Future Is Not Written In Stone.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned after thousands of readings over decades- no psychic (no matter how famous or expensive) is 100% accurate when it comes to future predictions.
You’re looking at 50/50% at best!
The future is not written in stone. It is constantly in flux based on your actions.
And there’s also the free will of others- they may have a different agenda in mind for their lives, no matter what your psychic says!
The truth is, the most powerful oracle available is free and already within us. Our own Inner Oracle will never let us down. Our own Inner Oracle only has our highest and greatest good at heart. Be your own psychic.
Even Edgar Cayce, the most documented psychic in history, said that we are our own best psychic. Psychics can easily misinterpret the messages coming through- but our own Inner Psychic doesn’t need a middle man to get the messages across.
Our own Inner Psychic knows exactly how to directly communicate with us.
Anyone can do it! We all have this gift within us.
So how does one become their own psychic?
It’s actually very simple! All you have to do is quiet your mind and listen for the still, small voice within of your Higher Self and Spirit Guides, or as I like to call them- your Celestial Support Team.
You can achieve this through prayer, meditation or hypnosis and self-hypnosis.
I personally use self-hypnosis and teach others how to be their own psychic through hypnosis.
Here’s a tip: A great time to talk to your Celestial Support Team is when you very first wake up in the morning (before you check your phone or get up) and when you’re drifting off to sleep. At these times you’re already in the naturally trancy brainwave state achieved through hypnosis.
Just talk to them silently inside your mind using your thoughts (or out loud) and pay attention to any thoughts or images that pop into your mind. The key is being in a hypnotic state to quiet the noise of the conscious mind and connect with the subconscious or superconscious where your inner oracle resides! Through practice you’ll start to learn to differentiate between thoughts coming from your conscious mind and thoughts coming through your subconscious from your Celestial Support Team.
If you’re interested in booking a private hypnosis session with me to guide you through a safe and relaxing hypnotic journey to becoming your own psychic you can learn more here. I also offer Psychic Junkie Rx if you’d like some support in releasing your addiction to readings.
🧡 Sarah
✨A gift for you!✨
At the end of the day, the best way to predict the future is to create it.
Did you know that hypnosis is one of the most powerful methods to harness the Law of Attraction?
Hypnotic daydreaming is the relaxed way to manifest. Get some good vibes flowing with hypnotic daydreams, feel better and manifest your best life in the process.
If you’re interested in learning how to manifest with hypnotic daydreams check out my free Daydream Believer hypnoaudio. This relaxing and powerful hypnosis recording is free for you with no strings attached by signing up below.
Check the box to join our Moon Magic Circle and receive bimonthly New & Full Moon Hypnotic Spell guided hypnosis in your inbox. Each spell is tailored to each moon's unique astrological energy. You'll receive a welcome email and then just 2 emails a month with a hypnotic moon spell for each New & Full Moon. Together with your Daydream Believer practice, this simple, sustainable hypnotic practice helps you release, reset, recharge, and harness the power of lunar cycles to manifest your intentions into reality—all completely free. I respect your inbox! 🧡 Sarah
If you think you may be addicted to psychics or have some thoughts/feelings around the subject- I want to hear from you! Don’t worry you can be anonymous. Please share your comments below.
🧡 Sarah
ps. I just created a new support group on Reddit- r/beyourownpsychic Come join me!
I'm Sarah Lassez, Certified Hypnotherapist and Author of Psychic Junkie. (INFP, HSP, ♈︎ Aries Sun, ♋︎ Cancer Moon, animal lover & California Mountain Girl with her 🧡 in Paris)
For years, I obsessively searched for answers from psychic after psychic. After thousands of readings over decades, the evidence was clear: 97% of those future predictions never came true.
Many moons later, I finally found what I'd been searching for—a psychic who was truly accurate, had my highest good at heart, and connected me to the divine guidance I needed.
That psychic? It was me. My journey down the psychic rabbit hole wasn't in vain, I discovered something valuable! The "best psychic near me" wasn't a stranger with a crystal ball or tarot cards— as Edgar Cayce, the most documented psychic of all time, said: "You are your own best psychic." I am my own best psychic.
I learned this truth the hard way so you don't have to. Now I help others bypass the psychic middleman and connect directly to their Higher Self and Celestial Support Team—where the most honest, accurate guidance has been waiting all along.
Hypnosis is simply the key that unlocks your Superconscious—the doorway to all your intuitive and manifesting Superpowers. We're all born with this gift; I'm just here to help you remember it.