All Your Psychics Predicted the Same Future, So Why Were They All Wrong?

"They all predicted the same thing, so it MUST be true! Right?!?"

Have you ever had multiple psychics predict the exact same future for you... only to find yourself waiting endlessly, and nothing they predicted happens? Or even worse, the exact opposite occurs?

I've been there. And you're not alone.

This happens way more often than you might think. As a former "Psychic Junkie" who's had thousands of readings over decades and even wrote a book about it, I've been down the psychic rabbit hole and am here to report back my findings so you can learn from my mistakes.

The Reality of Psychic Predictions

Let's start with a basic fact: Future predictions, even from the most gifted psychics, have a 50/50 chance of being accurate, at best. Yes, that's the same odds as a coin flip. Don't shoot the messenger, it's simply the truth.

Why? Because the future isn't set in stone. It's constantly changing based on every choice you make. Add in all the other forces at play – other people's free will, unexpected events, timing, chance encounters – and what seems certain today can be completely different tomorrow.

When They All Predict the Same Thing

I can't tell you how many times I've heard: "But all the psychics said the same thing - it MUST be true!" And yet... it still doesn't happen.

In the support group for psychic addicts I used to run, this was one of the more common stories shared. People would get the same prediction from multiple readers, then get emotionally invested in that predicted future, only to be left blindsided and heartbroken when reality took a different turn.

When multiple psychics pick up on the same prediction, it might feel like confirmation of its accuracy, but here are 3 things that may actually be happening:

1. They're picking up on your thoughts, not your future

They could be directly picking up on your thoughts and feelings - either what you want to hear or what you fear the most. They're basically reading your mind.

2. The echo chamber effect

That first psychic reading created a story that now lives in your energy field. The second, third, and fourth psychics aren't necessarily tapping into some universal truth - they may simply be picking up on that same story already imprinted in your energy and reading it back to you.

It's like an echo chamber - with each reading, that original prediction gets reinforced and amplified in your energy field, even if it has no real connection to your actual future.

3. They're seeing possibilities, not absolutes

They could be detecting a potential pathway that exists in that moment - but remember, potential doesn't mean predetermined. A famous (& honest!) psychic once told me he sees predictions like a weather forecast. Just like meteorologists use current atmospheric conditions to predict tomorrow's weather, psychics use your current energy to predict potential outcomes.

But we all know how weather forecasts work, right? That 80% chance of rain might turn into a perfectly sunny day because conditions shifted unexpectedly. The further out the forecast, the less reliable it becomes. A 3-day forecast is more accurate than a 10-day forecast. And a prediction about something happening years from now? That's like trying to predict next summer's weather in the middle of winter - the variables are just too numerous to account for!

The Swiss Cheese Effect

And here's something else to consider about getting multiple psychic readings on the same subject (or "psychic surfing" as I used to call it). I was once told by a psychic that every time I got a reading, the psychic would "punch a hole" in my energy field. Great, I was already Swiss Cheese.

But seriously, ask yourself: Are you getting too many readings? Is your energy field starting to resemble Swiss cheese or a colander? What do you think that's doing to your odds of getting accurate readings? Each reading adds another voice, another perspective, yet another hole - until it becomes impossible to get clear insight through all that psychic clutter.

How to Get a Truly Helpful Reading

So what's a better approach? I'm not saying you should never get a reading - I'm suggesting a complete reframe of how you engage with requesting psychic guidance.

And you may first want to Marie Kondo your mind and toss all those future predictions you've already received to start with a fresh clean slate. (This is actually a process I take my clients through at the beginning of my Psychic Junkie Rx hypnotherapy session.)

What is it you really want?

First, get clear on what you truly want and why. Not just the surface desire, but the root of what you're seeking.

For example, if you're wondering if your ex is going to come back, ask yourself what is it you truly want. Is it really your ex? Or relief from the heartbreak you're experiencing? Are you open to the possibility of there being someone even better for you out there? Do you want your ex back no matter what or do you want the best most fulfilling relationship possible for you?

The same goes for career questions - are you looking for a specific job title, or what that job represents: security, recognition, fulfillment?

Be open! The universe might have a surprise in store for you that's beyond your wildest dreams.

Ask better questions for better results

Once you're clear on what you truly want and have a clear goal in mind, instead of asking the psychic or the tarot cards "What's going to happen?” or “Am I going to get what I want?" try asking:

  • "What is in my highest and greatest good to know at this time regarding my goal?"

  • "What insight would help me achieve my goal?"

  • "What actions can I take to manifest my goal in reality?"

This shift is profound. You're moving from being a passive passenger waiting for your cruise ship to come in to being the Captain of your own vessel. You're taking the helm and charting your own course towards your desired goal.

When you ask "How do I get there?" instead of "Am I going to get there?" - you're no longer passively waiting for the future to happen to you - you're actively creating it.

Think about it: When you want to get somewhere, you don't ask Google Maps IF you're going to get to your destination. You ask HOW to get there. You ask for directions. You want the map! It's the same thing. Don't ask the Universe IF you're going to get there - ask for the map!

Don't expect a literal step-by-step guide though! Life doesn't usually work that way. (Dammit!) Sometimes you need to take a few steps forward before the universe illuminates the next part of your path. It's more like having a compass and the next few steps clearly lit, rather than seeing the entire route at once. The important part is that you're actively moving forward and seeking direction, not passively waiting for a prediction to unfold.

Be the captain of your ship, not a passive passenger waiting for the future to arrive.

Your Intuition is your most accurate GPS

A truly helpful psychic reading shouldn't leave you anxiously waiting for a prediction to manifest. It should empower you with insight and direction that you can act on today. It should illuminate your path forward rather than just describing a destination you may or may not reach.

And here's something crucial - a truly helpful reading should resonate with your inner knowing. It should feel like "Yes, that makes sense - I think I knew that already." That feeling of recognition is your intuition confirming the truth. When guidance aligns with your deeper wisdom, it strengthens your connection to your own inner psychic rather than making you dependent on someone else's.

Be Your Own Psychic

This is why I'm so passionate about teaching people to be their own psychic through hypnosis. After spending years on the receiving end of countless psychic readings, I discovered that the most reliable source of guidance was actually within me all along.

Hypnosis provides a powerful doorway to access this inner wisdom. Through hypnosis, you can quiet the analytical mind that's constantly second-guessing and overthinking, and rise up into a state where your inner knowing speaks with extraordinary clarity. It's in this relaxed state that the barriers between your conscious mind and your intuition dissolve.

When you access your inner oracle, you receive guidance that's specifically tailored for you and your highest good, not just what you want to hear. You connect directly with your Higher self and Spirit Guides rather than relying on a third party who might misinterpret the messages coming through. Most importantly, you develop a skill that stays with you forever – you're no longer dependent on others for clarity about your own life.

I've watched clients transform from anxious prediction-seekers to empowered, confident creators of their own futures. That moment when someone realizes they've always had access to their own inner wisdom – it's like watching someone find a treasure they didn't know they were carrying.

Your Future Is Yours to Create

Remember: The most reliable predictor of your future isn't a psychic - it's YOU and the choices you make today. You are creating your future with every decision, every action, and every intention you set.

I encourage you to trust your inner knowing and look within for guidance rather than constantly seeking answers outside yourself. Remember that the best, most accurate psychic has been within you all along - your intuition is just waiting for you to listen.

If you'd like to learn more about becoming your own psychic through hypnosis, check out my Be Your Own Psychic session.

I'm Sarah Lassez, Certified Hypnotherapist and Author of Psychic Junkie. (INFP, HSP, ♈︎ Aries Sun, ♋︎ Cancer Moon, animal lover & California Mountain Girl with her 🧡 in Paris)

For years, I obsessively searched for answers from psychic after psychic. After thousands of readings over decades, the evidence was clear: 97% of those future predictions never came true.

Many moons later, I finally found what I'd been searching for—a psychic who was truly accurate, had my highest good at heart, and connected me to the divine guidance I needed.

That psychic? It was me. My journey down the psychic rabbit hole wasn't in vain, I discovered something valuable! The "best psychic near me" wasn't a stranger with a crystal ball or tarot cards— as Edgar Cayce, the most documented psychic of all time, said: "You are your own best psychic." I am my own best psychic.

I learned this truth the hard way so you don't have to. Now I help others bypass the psychic middleman and connect directly to their Higher Self and Celestial Support Team—where the most honest, accurate guidance has been waiting all along.

Hypnosis is simply the key that unlocks your Superconscious—the doorway to all your intuitive and manifesting Superpowers. We're all born with this gift; I'm just here to help you remember it.


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